Really great post, David. You absolutely nailed it. I do use Oklahoma Voice and Frontier articles from time to time (your forgot to mention NonDoc - which is also notoriously left) because the lefties are the only ones reporting ANYTHING damning on Republicans, but they always have some kind of a spin. Can't wait for the reporting on elections. Don't forget, our Secretary of the State Election Board will probably be voted in as President of the Senate - his other duty for the price of one - by acclimation on Tuesday when the legislature holds their 'business' day. THIS will be one of the most underreported situations of the day, I guarantee it.

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Great article.

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“Tulsa is Oklahoma’s largest brainless blueberry” - how did the CCP get in to the Tulsa public schools??

Yeah for Trump, disrupt away!

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By offering grants to teachers.

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Well written and researched, Mr. Arnett! I remember when the late Travis Walsh, who was the Editor-in-Chief there at the Tulsa Daily World ran the paper. It was much different back then in 1972 and had a much wider appeal to citizens concerned over social and political issues. Great article here, sir! Thanks for speaking truth to power!

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